Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Lurving Botanical Garden

So we reached here around 5pm, walking from Youth Park. There were more people than usual and we saw a counter at the car park area trying to promote WIMAX even on Labour Day...*speechless*. Upon reaching the gate, we decided to walk 1 round since we were rushing for time. Half way walking, we saw a group of people staring at something *blink blink* so we went closer... and saw monkeys! This monkeys for me er... never see before in Botanical Garden. Their fur is black, the fur around their eyes are white in colour, and their babies is golden brown. They were eating the leaves of the trees none stop, keep eat eat eat eat and fighting with each other at times on who get to the tree 1st *swting*
Then we continued our walk while dear snapped a few pics. We decided to walk up to the Lily Pond, since we haven't been there for so long. When we reached there we were shocked, because the pond is dried up and no more lilies and tortoise... haix sad... I guess they are renovating the place. Then after our walk, we went for a refreshing fruit drink at the Tropical Fruit Centre. She ordered apple and carrot juice... tasted not bad =)
Then off we went to our car and to our next destination for dinner time...

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