Sunday, June 7, 2009

17 things a wonderful BF would NEVER do!

Say mean things to or about your friends and family.
Forget to call you when he told you he would. We hate waiting by the phone like idiots!
Go out with your BFF - at the same time or when it's over
Make you feel bad for eating junk food, or make jokes about your body.
Check your mobile phone to see who calls or texts you. Trust issues, anyone?
Forget your birthday, anniversary or other important dates.
Ditch you at a party without telling you. That's SO rude!
Keep you or your relationship a secret from his girl friends because he wants to keep his options open. Boo!
Change or cancel your plans at the last minute so he can go and play futsal with the guys.
Openly flirt with other girls right in front of you!
Call you disrespectful and derogatory names like"b*tch"!
Lie to you. Even if it's something small, what makes you think he won't be lying about the important stuff?
Criticise and make fun of you to his pals behind your back.
Ignore you when you go out in public or when his friends are around.
Stop you from doing the things you love. You're NOT his [insert derogatory word here]
Pressure you into having sex with him or taking drugs - that's just BAD news!
Break your heart - this one's a real deal-breaker!

Extracted from seventeen magazine
PS darling love... *wink*

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