Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Just Another Day of Workloads~

Dear Diary,

Since now I got no ppl to share to, or even a simple converstation, so I shall share to "U", last 3 weeks I have applied for several job vacancies at Jobstreet, but haven't got a one reply =(. Truth hurts cause it so hard to get a better job without a degree and after age 30 is way more harder to get. I tried badly to get a degree although I still fail badly, in the end I decided not to waste money and time anymore so decided to work at age 24 I think till now but my income I'm not really satisfied with it. Current job got yearly increment so it's a bit good benefits but working around in this company environment is sucks =.=, almost everyday either being complain at and gossip  or all last minutes work will throw at 'U' to finish it. Then all co-workers here so good in acting they will be good with 'U' when 'U' around, but behind their back they will complaint 'U' none stop. Then mostly co-workers all talk is lies I guess since I can't trust anybody at all =.=, A talk this while B talk that "terbalik" and then C n D talk bad tings about A n B. This goes on and on in this working environment so mostly I just kept quiet n chat with my gf happily avoding the rest. But now can't already so mostly even a simple wish of gud morning or a gud night I can't say or sms to her, cause she sumtimes wont reply back at all. So mostly I just wait and wait cause scare I disturb her..=) so now noting 2 do so I still finding program to edit old photos to upload at here...

B4 I leave, this is interesting quote to keep note:

Old stories gone but old memories stay,
will we remember what we have learnt?
To stand up carefully and not to fall down again...
some wanted to find ways to go back,
some wanted to write a new story,
some just wanna stay in the current page,
to figure out what's the right title for their own story...

Good Day my Diary

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